Prevention Tips

Children playing video games

It's important to follow-up your home care with diligence in order to eradicate the pest completely and prevent reinfestation. You are considered rid of a head lice infestation if you are nit-free for 10-12 days.

  • Don't share brushes, accessories, hats/helmets, clothing, or beds with affected people.

  • Soak combs, brushes, and hair accessories in boiling water for 30 minutes or put in a sealed bag for 2 weeks. (Caution - soaking wooden brushes in boiling water may damage them).

  • Launder washable recently used items such as linens, towels, clothing, car seat cushions and hats in hot water and dry in the dryer for a minimum of 20 minutes.

  • Store stuffed animals and anything unwashable in a plastic bag for 2 weeks.

  • Thoroughly vacuum rugs, mattresses, carpeting, car seats, and sweep floors.

  • Dissuade children from putting heads together while playing video games, reading books, and like activities.

  • Wear hair in non free-flowing hairstyle, such as a bun or braid.

Check for nits or lice in a well-lit room. Part the hair using a straight comb. Comb the hair upward from the scalp about 2 inches then loop back down under at the scalp so that the hair creates a bubble or curved shape in order to get a good look at the hair near the scalp. Nits are often confused with dandruff. They are 0.8 mm by 0.3 mm in size and are firmly attached to the hair strand with a glue-like substance so, unlike dandruff, they don't move. Continue parting the hair in small sections and pay particular attention to the areas of the crown, behind the ears, and the neckline of the scalp.